The Link Loan Program

Link Loan Program

Are you ready for homeownership but not quite prepared for a mortgage?

Explore how to get into homeownership with non-traditional financing

Who is the Link Loan program for?

New job, no history

Recent college graduates

Self-employed less than 2 years

ITIN/DACA applicants

1099 & Gig workers

Student loan burdened

Previous credit challenges

Multi-generational households

How does the Link Loan Program work?

  1. Apply for a traditional mortgage with us. If you don’t quality, we can match you for a Link Loan
  2. Find the home you want to buy, make an offer with your real estate agent
  3. Secure your down payment, a minimum of 3.5% will be required
  4. APM works through TRIO to link you to a government entity that will complete an FHA loan
  5. You enter into a seller financing agreement with TRIO
  6. Just like that, you’re into your new home and begin to personalize and create memories
  7. After 3-years you can keep your seller financing intact, assume the FHA loan, or sell the property. All equity is yours!

Ready to learn more & get going?

What are the benefits of the Link Loan?

Get all the privileges of homeownership, including living in and personalizing the home

May be able to gain the tax benefits from homeownership – seek advice from CPA

Reap the benefits of all earned equity in the home

Link Loan Program

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US Lending Company is here to help you with the Link Loan Program.

Our loan officers are well-versed in getting you the best rate possible and guiding you through the loan application process.

Contact US Lending